Like Riding a Bike Pedals and Peaks on Washington's Fiery Triangle The Ski Journal  8.2 magazine feature October 2014
  Three Peaks, 481 Miles in 15 Days Tahoe Daily Tribune  web/print article 10 July 2014
  Like Riding a Bike Pedals and Peaks on Washington's Fiery Triangle The Ski Journal  8.2 magazine feature October 2014
Like Riding a BikePedals and Peaks on Washington's Fiery TriangleThe Ski Journal8.2magazine featureOctober 2014
  Three Peaks, 481 Miles in 15 Days Tahoe Daily Tribune  web/print article 10 July 2014
Three Peaks, 481 Miles in 15 DaysTahoe Daily Tribuneweb/print article10 July 2014
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