April-May 2024

I didn’t know whether or not this was going to be my last expedition.

Turns out it definitely won’t be. But that confidence doesn’t come without some serious inner (and external) turmoil.

I met my loyal friend Robin Hill on the first day of freshmen orientation at Westminster University. Half of our lives later, we are still close and continue to pursue adventures together around the world. This time, we were the first people to ski 16797ft/5120m Pik Energia in Tajikistan’s Fann Mountains.

2018 was my last expedition. It was to Georgia, with my friend Mary, and it was great. I took 2019 off from expeditions, doing some skiing in New Zealand but nothing like what I enjoy doing at least once a year. 2019 was a bad year to take off, because 2020, 2021, and 2022 were forced years-off due to Covid. 2023 was not a forced year off, but my ski partner for Tajikistan bailed, and I was left with no one able to join me in Central Asia. Why I chose Tajikistan is a story for a different time. But I did. And in 2024, Robin helped me make this dream a reality.

A lot of things went wrong and a lot of things went right. And for that, I’m grateful. A true adventure in a wonderful place with an irreplaceable friend.