My most comprehensive workshop is through Crux Academy:
“⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
So much great information and resources in this course. Tbh it’s worth the price just for the spreadsheets. But seriously, if you want to have more fulfilling adventures, and trips in general, this course covers everything you need to make it happen.”
“What I loved is Brody explaining how to pick your trip partner and goals and then making sure both are aligned with the trip you have in mind. The template in the resources page was invaluable to help identify all the elements I need to think about. The great thing about this course is that it can be applied to any trip from a hike in a local area to an overseas expedition as the skills can be scaled up or down depending on the need. I would certainly recommend this course to anyone who wants to get out there and have adventures. Brody makes each stage of trip planning feel so manageable and breaks it down into smaller steps. The way this course is presented helps address that initial feeling of overwhelm when you think about a trip and gives the student much more chance of succeeding in living out their dream adventure.”
For other, less formal workshops: include your email address in the comment of a $6 Venmo (@brodyleven) or PayPal ( donation and get an email with access to, & the detailed outline of, your chosen course
(on a budget)
Because few things are worse than a partner shedding a layer 5 minutes from the car.
“I’ve been backcountry skiing for 11 years and have issues with body temperature/Raynaud’s. Layering is always a work in progress for me. Your layering was validating coming from a pro. I also learned a few super helpful things...I went on an easy flat tour...just to practice...IT WORKED! It’s so simple, and so effective. ”
“Very informative! Would be great to see these continue during this quarantine. My friends and I will keep signing up. ”
You’re probably not carrying what you need but carrying plenty that you don’t.
Because climbing mountains is dangerous, the education is non-linear, and I think it's worth it.
“One of the best hours of mountain conversations I’ve ever heard. Thanks again, worth every penny.”
“I wanted to say thank you for putting your knowledge and experience together into actionable insights for people wanting to get started! While I have been telling myself that I need to wait until I move...listening to your stories have made me realize I don’t necessarily have to wait.”